As I continue to work on issue 4, I am making plans for the major cons I will be attending for 2025.

G-POP is set for April 12-13th! This was the first con I’ve ever done, the organizer is just one of the coolest guys ever who is just passionate about growing the community and he’s one of my biggest fans. I always have a blast and I always meet so many cool people at these! He keeps expanding and making things better each time!

This year will be my first time attending Northern Fancon (confirmation pending) which will be May 2, 3, & 4 in Prince George! I’ll be meeting a lot of new people here. Norm (the organizer) is another great guy who I’ve had the privilege to do some planning with… he really loves making a great event and I’m looking forward to this one!

Ptarmicon was a heart breaker for me last year, as I REALLY wanted to go, this year I have another attendee joining me as I trek up to Yellowknife in the summer (date to be announced, and this is pending). This looks like it is just an amazing community run by passionate people and I just want to be part of that action and see that amazing city! The only bad part is the 12+ hour drive, and impossible flight times to coordinate, but I think the amazing people I am going to meet will make it all worth it!

Last but not least will be Grande Con in Grande Prairie, they have moved the date (thankfully) to September 12-14… I just feel so bad for all the star wars baddies dressed up in the heat! ha! Last year was my first time at Grande Con, I had a blast and I am sure it will be another amazing time while raising money for Odyssey House, a shelter for women and children who are escaping DV.